This series began as a one-off story following the one that the hero (a sci-fi writer) in 'Friendly Seduction' was writing in that book. I always thought it would be good to actually write that story for real.
Originally Captured in Space was going to be the book title - then, as I was writing it, a secondary character went and got herself captured! So I changed the title to 'Bounty Hunters' Captive' and it became the first in a new series.
Bounty Hunters' Captive Available through or Amazon
It tells the story of Felissa, a runaway sex slave, who is captured by Garin and Rayn to return her home. After going through lots of adventures on the way back, the three fall in love. But Garin has a desperate need to return her. What will happen when they arrive back at her home planet?
I was delighted that the editor thought it inventive, exciting and fast-paced.
Titbits: This book is my tribute to classic sci-fi and there are around fifty references to sci-fi. See if you can find them. Email me if you want the full list.
The big news is that it has been awarded Best Sci-fi in the Menage Readers' Awards!
Review on Goodreads: This book was really good. Garin, Rayn, and Felissa had a lot of funny
moments and I found myself laughing out loud at stuff they said.
The second in the series will tell Tianna's story (which I am working on at the moment).
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