Monday 16 June 2014

Smut by the Sea 2014

Smut by the Sea on Saturday was terrific. Well done Victoria and Kevin for improving on last year's event.

Lovely to see people I knew and also new folk.

Nice to have some workshops to attend this time - one from Victoria Blisse on getting inspired to write from every day objects. We had a little writing exercise and I came up with a ghost story from a picture of Scarborough Castle - who knows it might become a full story one day!

Another was thought provoking from K D Grace about writing better erotica - we had to write a sex scene without using the words cock or pussy!

Then Lucy Felthouse on what editors want. When asked to think outside the box within a theme I came up with two fairies from the top of the Xmas tree being given the night off and meeting in a bar for a lesbian story, again, it might end up getting written. Watch this space.

I did a reading again this year - a follow on reading to last year when I read from 'Friendly Seduction' about a sci-fi writer who creates a story to seduce the heroine and the book they created was one I wrote up and was published earlier this year. So that is the one I read from this time 'Bounty Hunters' Captive'. We had the lovely Kay Jaybee ready to spank us if we ran over time - so it was great to play off that and include her in my reading - when the heroine was referring to the mysterious sentient cloud that had appeared on board their spaceship, "See there, that is trouble with a capital T" I gestured in Kay's direction. The audience rather enjoyed that!

Well done to all the people reading for the first time, in particular my lovely friend, Bella Settarra, who I met at last year's Smut. She even dressed up in a sexy sailor outfit!

There were lovely stalls from Ann Summers, Kay Jaybee, a book stand, a craft stall and an erotica tombola - from which I won a butt plug and a cock ring!

And a 'create your own swag' stall. Authors were invited to offer swag. I don't have lots of any one item so I had a mixed bowl of goodies. It was interesting to see what went - and what didn't. All the pens were taken, along with nearly all the lube (freebies I had received myself and not used!), and nearly all the sex-origamis! If you remember the origamis we used to make as kids to tell fortunes, it was the same thing except I had sex positions on them!

About five of my badges with my book covers were taken, along with a similar number of bookmarks - also with book covers. A few each of the keyrings, pencils, mini highlighters and notepads. Least popular was the mousemat and fridge magnets.

Afterwards Janine Ashbless and I went for a cream tea - delicious *big grin*

That's it for this year's Smut by the Sea. See you all at Smut in the City in Manchester on 15 November.



  1. Looks like a fabulous day to remember, Jennifer. Congratulations on your fabulous reading!

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. What a great way to meet other authors.

  3. Lovely to see you there, Jen. Thanks so much for your support - I was so nervous doing my first reading, but it helped that I was with so many encouraging people. Brilliant event, and, as you said, even better than last time! :)

    1. You did very well, sweetie. First time is the worst!

  4. Was fabulous fun- thanks for being such a good sport during readings!!

  5. Absolutely - Manchester here we come!
